AVALON originates from the Celtic and means apple, apple tree, apple orchard. In the centre of Thurgau, the name from a past high culture is associated with the healthy fruits of present-day agriculture. With its roots in nature, Avalon is an impulse that exposes today's dominant type of the so-called ‘barbarian’, which is separated from its nature. From the mere idea, separated from the forces of life, the barbarian develops a strict, joyless and misanthropic pseudo-morality that leads man - today more and more visibly - into the abyss. The good through the compulsion to command transforms what is at best well-intentioned into evil and paves the way for the abominable. Resentment, envy and hatred are finding their way more and more freely into laws, regulations and the media. The barbarian does not shy away from destroying his own capacity for experience in order to maintain his idea, which has mutated into an ideology. Trapped in that world, the unworldly grows until it becomes a fundamental attack on man himself. The ruling barbarian takes away the dignity of those who often submit to him, because they only know one pity - self-pity. They crave relief from their self-inflicted weakness, which the barbarian promises to take from them - which he then calls the ‘welfare state’ - and he also steals their freedom, because these beings of fear are so happy to exchange it for security. In this way, the rule of the people mutates into the rule of the barbarians and beauty as freedom also disappears in appearance. It is replaced by a landscape littered with unsightly functional buildings and ugly prohibition signs. Health as an expression of natural life is increasingly retreating, leaving behind a flabby, tired, burnt-out, sickly and anxious human being who has forgotten how to lead a healthy life. In its weakened power of judgement, it willingly reaches for a vaccine that does the opposite of what was promised with a forked tongue: It weakens the immune system and damages overall health. Millions of people worldwide have died from the unspeakable mRNA Covid vaccine and even more have become seriously ill.* Millions of children worldwide suffer from autism as a result of vaccinations in general. The facts and figures are clear. The suppression of these facts through silence and censorship is only possible because the barbarians are in an unholy alliance with those they oppress and the others are too cowardly to resist. In Avalon, on the other hand, people love the truth; researching it impartially has so many positive side effects: With it as your guiding star, you can improve your situation and burn away ego impurities that get in the way of so much beauty. In Avalon, we know that courage can be learnt (and cowardice too)!
Avalon therefore does not specifically address the savage who is unable to tame his natural forces, let alone transform them. He is virtually defencelessly exposed to these natural forces, which leaves him only with the internalisation of this wildness at the price of being determined by others in his pride in it. The savage is already satisfied that he differs from the animal through his sheer will and can therefore live in astonishing health. He usually has nothing but contempt for art and culture.
Avalon attracts people who can recognise the barbaric and wild abysses to the left and right as they progress along their path through life and still continue to walk in a reasonably straight line. They know that they have to build their own compass so that they can continue along the path even in the fog. They have pain and doubts, but they transform these into powers of realisation by using violence against themselves and not against others. In this way, they create their own wealth as property that cannot be taken away from them. They can channel their willpower into understanding (and not judgement). Their mood in life is that of an adventurer who is or becomes involved in new, initially incomprehensible situations every day. You can observe, marvel, be in awe and full of gratitude for this abundance. The role model is the searching Parzival, who, as an unknowing man, often seemingly fails at various tasks, but always grows in knowledge, until he finally develops the ability of compassion, which becomes the basis of freedom. Avalon is also dedicated to the topic of courage, because it can be learnt!
Avalon is under the protection of the Freists and will be able to manifest itself as something that we today call ‘state’ and then, when it has brought it to the view of men, will show itself in a different kind of equality. Then or there the search for the Grail can be understood as the breakthrough of man coming from the lowlands into the higher spheres, in which his head begins to emerge from the mists and then, through his own creative power, more and more of his form is revealed until it shines anew. This human being will have realised that he can create himself anew out of nothing if he wants to become human and, among many other things, will also shake off the materialistic conception and imprisonment by hereditary currents, origin and other inadequate theories.
Avalon can already be called a nation today, insofar as the first three letters refer to nature and birth. The birth has taken place.
* For strengthening the immune system, detoxification or elimination, prevention of thrombosis and other serious ‘side effects’, here is a natural remedy recipe consisting of the following 7 ingredients, to be taken for 4 months, avoiding alcohol at all costs: 1. Bromelain (store in a cool place!) 3 tablets of 400 mg spread over the day. 2. Nattokinase 3 tablets of 200 FU throughout the day. 3. Curcumin forte 3 tablets of 334 mg throughout the day. 4. Vitamin B12 and 5. Vitamin B6 4 tablets of 500 mg each spread over the day. 6. Grape seeds (OPC) 500 mg each. 7. Vitamin C 3 tablets 500 mg each spread over the day.
Avalon therefore does not specifically address the savage who is unable to tame his natural forces, let alone transform them. He is virtually defencelessly exposed to these natural forces, which leaves him only with the internalisation of this wildness at the price of being determined by others in his pride in it. The savage is already satisfied that he differs from the animal through his sheer will and can therefore live in astonishing health. He usually has nothing but contempt for art and culture.
Avalon attracts people who can recognise the barbaric and wild abysses to the left and right as they progress along their path through life and still continue to walk in a reasonably straight line. They know that they have to build their own compass so that they can continue along the path even in the fog. They have pain and doubts, but they transform these into powers of realisation by using violence against themselves and not against others. In this way, they create their own wealth as property that cannot be taken away from them. They can channel their willpower into understanding (and not judgement). Their mood in life is that of an adventurer who is or becomes involved in new, initially incomprehensible situations every day. You can observe, marvel, be in awe and full of gratitude for this abundance. The role model is the searching Parzival, who, as an unknowing man, often seemingly fails at various tasks, but always grows in knowledge, until he finally develops the ability of compassion, which becomes the basis of freedom. Avalon is also dedicated to the topic of courage, because it can be learnt!
Avalon is under the protection of the Freists and will be able to manifest itself as something that we today call ‘state’ and then, when it has brought it to the view of men, will show itself in a different kind of equality. Then or there the search for the Grail can be understood as the breakthrough of man coming from the lowlands into the higher spheres, in which his head begins to emerge from the mists and then, through his own creative power, more and more of his form is revealed until it shines anew. This human being will have realised that he can create himself anew out of nothing if he wants to become human and, among many other things, will also shake off the materialistic conception and imprisonment by hereditary currents, origin and other inadequate theories.
Avalon can already be called a nation today, insofar as the first three letters refer to nature and birth. The birth has taken place.
* For strengthening the immune system, detoxification or elimination, prevention of thrombosis and other serious ‘side effects’, here is a natural remedy recipe consisting of the following 7 ingredients, to be taken for 4 months, avoiding alcohol at all costs: 1. Bromelain (store in a cool place!) 3 tablets of 400 mg spread over the day. 2. Nattokinase 3 tablets of 200 FU throughout the day. 3. Curcumin forte 3 tablets of 334 mg throughout the day. 4. Vitamin B12 and 5. Vitamin B6 4 tablets of 500 mg each spread over the day. 6. Grape seeds (OPC) 500 mg each. 7. Vitamin C 3 tablets 500 mg each spread over the day.